Friday, September 12, 2014


Weeks like last week can sharpen the tip of the longing we feel for our families: where sweet news is tinged with the reality that we savor the milestones and deep joys of family, but can't touch them or share them in person.

That said--I have a new NEPHEW! Meet Theodore Henry, 9 lbs.--the firstborn of my sister Jenn and her husband Chris in the UK. Theo, we are so thankful for your life! Celebrating you in Africa !!
My dad, with grandpa-level happiness.
Theo and entourage

My mom with her eighth grandchild!

But Theo's birth did give us something in person: It brought my parents to this hemisphere--and at last, down to us! We are beside ourselves with glee. I am told that the little people at my house are not so little anymore. So we are soaking up these sweet moments together. There are so many words to describe it, but thankful is certainly one of them.

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